The “Kosloff Method” is a weight loss method that is based on a support group that meets on a weekly basis. The program duration is between three months to a year (if you need to lose 40 pounds, twelve weeks won’t be enough for you). Our instructors offer 12 hours a day of phone support. The group is a closed group and an intimate one, where new members can’t join after the second meeting.
We found that a high percentage of graduates keep their weight off for years with this method.
We asked our mentors: what is unique about “Kosloff Method”?
Nava: “A diet plan based on balanced nutrition. Everybody knows what they should eat, but we work on the inner power that drives you to achieve it.”
Nili: “We discuss emotional eating and conscious eating. We learn to eat when we are hungry and find substitutes to non-nourishing ‘comfort eating’.”
Sarah: “We have three components to slimming down: A diet plan, a closed support group and an instructor’s full attention. All three components together, lead to a healthy change of habits for life.”
Etti: “We learn together from each of our mistakes, and how to get back up, each of us in her own unique way. We learn in the group that there are healthy foods that are tasty, and we never want to go back to our previous detrimental habits.”
Aya: “The instructors in our weight-loss method are willing to go the extra mile for each and every participant.”
Pnina: “There’s no offsetting with us, we’re not being punished. We focus on the day; every day requires a little effort to succeed. Every day offers a little mission. And you’re there; success gives a feeling of enabling in life. What’s the next thing you’d like to do with your life? The focus shifts from eating to other elements of life.”
Alegra: “We’re going to make a big difference within this group, and it will impact your life in a positive way. Our group is unique because it lasts six months, and it’s closed. Other groups don’t resist the temptation of accepting new members in the middle of the process.”
Noa: “We work towards changing priorities. It’s about putting yourself first.”
Iliana: “We don’t count calories or points. After one week we don’t deal with that anymore. The diet is optimized for the individual.”
Danny: “If I succeeded with the Kosloff Method, anyone can.”
Oshrit: “You learn about the effect of each food on your body. You learn to control your body, instead of letting it control you. It’s a life-changing method, and it lasts, for life.”
Ruchama: “The groups are small and intimate.”
Yaffa: “The difference can be summed up in three words: Support, support, support. The instructor supports via telephone and the group offers support as well.”
In the “Kosloff Method”, the instructor calls the participants when she sees they require encouragement, and the participants can call her for help when they feel the need.
The group teaches a variety of empowerment skills. Because the group is closed, nothing is repeated, keeping the meetings interesting. The first meeting isn’t just an introductory meeting; it’s an interesting session, with countless weight-loss tips, at the end of which you receive a weekly menu.
To experience the power of this method, treat yourself to the first meeting and try the first weekly menu.
Are you curious?
Find a group in your neighborhood, call the instructor.
No group? Buy the book: How to lead a weight loss support group, and start your own group.