Yes, any 3% – 5% fat cheese will do. You can choose cheese spread, urda, ricotta, Bulgarian cheese, low fat cream cheese etc.

During the first three months of weight loss, it’s best to stick to light bread. Do not eat regular bread, crackers, or any other snacks. Later you can eat an 80-calorie slice of bread instead of two slices of light bread.

Choose bread whose main ingredient is whole wheat flour. It should be the first ingredient listed on the package. The number of calories per slice should not exceed 45. If the bread is advertised as light but does not indicate the number of calories per slice, you can be sure that it is too caloric. The package might say the bread contains 180 calories per 3.5 oz (100 g) – this does not seem like a lot. But if you eat a slice that weighs exactly 3.5 oz (100 g), you are eating 180 calories, which is a lot.

No. Any fruit juice, even carrot juice contains a lot of sugar, no fibers and way too many calories.

Definitely yes and it’s even recommended. The soup is a great way to satisfy your hunger. Don’t eat more than two ladles of soup a day. We’ll explain this restriction in the group.

It’s a salad made from a variety of colors. For example, a salad that consists of arugula leaves, lettuce, purple cabbage, carrot, kohlrabi, and tomatoes. Maintaining a varied, colorful diet ensures you are receiving all of the essential types of vitamins and phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced by plants (‘phyto’ means plant in Greek). These nutrients have many health benefits: they serve as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents and help prevent bacterial and viral infections. Studies have shown that phytochemicals stimulate the immune system, regulate cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, and more. Salads with a rainbow of colors like red, orange, green, white, and purple, contain an abundant variety of textures and tastes, look prettier, and are better for you! Every fruit or vegetable contains its own set of phytochemicals that give it vibrant color and healthy properties. Tomatoes have lycopene, carrots have beta-carotene, lutein is found in leafy greens, allicin is found in the white group of vegetables, and purple vegetables have anthocyanin.

I recommend eating low-fat plain yogurt (1.5-1.7%).
Choose a yogurt that has up to 120 calories per serving.
Avoid choosing fruit-flavored yogurt. The “fruit” in this kind of yogurt is only jam, and it contains stabilizers used to increase firmness.
Read the ingredients listed on the container. The healthiest yogurts are those with fewest ingredients. If you’re looking for something sweet to cut the yogurt’s tartness, add a few thin slices of fruit. For example, cut up two strawberries or half a kiwi and add it to your yogurt.

For most people apples are a very satisfying fruit, compared to others that only whet your appetite. But the apple can be switched out for an orange, half a grapefruit, half a pomelo, a cup of strawberries, a cup of melon, or two kiwis. If you don’t like eating fruit at all, you can exchange the apple for two slices of light bread spread with a thin layer of cheese or avocado and vegetable sticks on the side.

Yes and no…

Milk is very high in calories, so it’s important to wean yourself off the habit of drinking multiple cups of coffee. Since every cup of coffee contains at least 100 ml of milk, it adds up to a lot per day (80 calories per 100 ml).
You may add 4 tablespoons of milk per day and continue following the diet as usual, without making any reductions to the menu. Make sure that this amount does not increase unintentionally. Premeasure the daily milk allowance in the morning and pour it into a cup. Use this premeasured amount of milk for your coffee throughout the day.
Treat yourself to a small cappuccino for the 10 a.m. or 4 p.m. light meal (not both). Limit this treat to twice a week, because beverages are less satisfying than food.

When you go out to dinner, choose restaurants that serve dishes suitable for weight loss: salads, quiches, vegetable soups, and fish. Naturally, the best choice is a salad. Eat slowly, fully enjoying your meal, while everyone else at the table makes short work of their appetizer, entrée, and dessert. You can choose a variety of salads, like house salad, Caesar salad, farmer’s salad, Niçoise, and others. Treat yourself to one topped with nuts, cheese, or eggs because this is your meal and you should enjoy it!
Ask the waiter not to serve rolls to the table (not even for someone else) and to serve the dressing on the side. You may add 1 tablespoon of salad dressing – you are not being punished.
Try to minimize the number of times that you eat out and find other types of entertainment. Almost without exception, the food at restaurants is more fattening, the portions are larger, and the amount of salt is higher.

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